Multishot Human Pose
I’m trying to extract SMPL parameters on video in a multishot setting. To this end, tracklets are necessary.
Steps: PHALP setup -> Multishot Human Pose extraction -> select data for training NeRF.
1. PHALP setup
Summary of PHALP
- “Tracking People by Predicting 3D Appearance, Location & Pose” (CVPR 2022)
- Input: monocular video
- Task: Tracking people
- Method
- lift people in a frame to 3D (3D pose of human, human location in 3D space, 3D appearance)
- track a person: collect 3D observations over time in a tracklet representation -> build temporal model
- model predict the future state of a tracklet including 3d location, pose, appearance
- for the future frame, calculate similarity between pred state of tracklet and single frame observations
- Association: simple Hungarian matching
- Output: *.pkl file (input for the next step, multishot human pose extraction)
- project page: PHALP project
- about branch
- master
- pros: compatible to Mshot (CVPR22), relatively easy to install
- cons: out-dated, hard-coded
- v1.1
- pros: fancy code and demos
- cons: OpenGL and OSMesa would be a little bit tricky, not compatible to Mshot repo.
- output *.pkl file should be slightly changed
- this demo code doesn’t generate instance segmentation mask per person, which is necessary to Mshot preprocessing.
- master
- My settings
- docker container / without conda
- off-screen
- Pyrenderer and OpenGL may cause problems, you need to choose EGL or OSMesa
- I build OSMesa and use PyOpenGL + OSMesa combination. (check ‘Failure Logs…’ under)
- works on PHALP master and v1.1 branches, and also work for Mshot.
- Here is pip list output of my environment. req.txt
Failure Logs... (skip this)
Logs - follow this [PHALP]( - it takes quite a time to solve environment in conda... - "('Connection broken: OSError("(104, \'ECONNRESET\')")', OSError("(104, 'ECONNRESET')"))" error - I'm using docker container - to install git+http, 'apt-get install git' - pycocotools error: [link]( - is added on 1.10 I tried setting an environment without conda, but failed. issues while installing PHALP: - pip install pyrootutils submitit gdown dill colordict scenedetect pytube - pip install scikit-learn==0.22.2 - OpenGL: ssh env (without display) - install OSMesa [OSMesa doc]( - apt-get install libexpat1-dev - encountered on PosixPath ~~~ error but I couldn't handle it2. OpenPose
- docker image from the hub: ‘d0ckaaa/openpose’
- execute make commands to install
- download pretrained opencv models by get models script.
3. multishot human pose setup
- follow this multishot
- I use the same docker as the previous one.
- Notes
- use exactly the same version of smplx (if not, it may cause error)
- no need to use torch 1.5.
- change environ variables: PYOPENGL_PLATFORM’ egl → osmesa
- expand docker’s shared memory size to 2GB
- Data
- download mshot_data from github official Mshot page (approximately 1GB)
- download smpl neutral pkl and gmm08 on the official smplify webpage and move to the correct location
- *.pkl → *.npz
- output contains information for a specific person (create separately)
- these are the initial value of optimization step.
- optimize the SMPL parameters using multishot loss
### Notes. - To extract SMPL by multishot human pose, tracking and identification are needed. - What about the other SMPL algorithms? SMPL extraction models like ROMP, VIBE... - Do they use 2D keypoints? - Regression or optimized based? - How are they inputs like? sequence or only an image? should be cropped? do they work on multiple people? - VIBE: -
Written on April 5, 2023